Faithful Handz.
Faithful Handz Ministry is committed to touching people’s hearts with Jesus and transforming lives for God, one person at a time.
Faithful Handz International Christian Ministry’s mission is to go out into the world ministering the Word of Faith, expressing the Love of God, leading people in receiving salvation through Jesus Christ, and baptism with the Holy Spirit. Then teaching them how to walk in the Spirit and live out Christian Principles, Christian values, and a Christian lifestyle. Matthew 28:19 AMP ( Minister the Word of Faith, express the Love of God, develop and disciple followers of Jesus Christ).

Your Support is Really
Rodney Isaiah Hobson is a License minister and Entrepreneur who pursues being Faithful to God, his family, and his calling. He does ministry and business with his wife Tempest Hobson who is also a License minister and business owner and has a strong desire to teach and serve families through setting an example of God’s way and principles. Not only did they attend the same church prior to meeting, they also attended ministry school together and graduated from Pistis School of Ministry in 2018, a school founded by their Bishop Keith Butler in Southfield, Michigan.
Later that year they entered into a covenant with one another and Jesus being the center, which was the beginning of their family ministry. In 2019 they started their first business together and went into a further level of growth and development individually and as a couple. And In the midst of a global pandemic their family began to expand and they had their first child,a very beautiful rising warrior in 2021.
With plans to continue to expand and serve within their family, they too know they are called to touch the world for Jesus. Now having a call to family, ministry, and business they are committing to fulfill their assignment and Glorify God in every area!
Faith Moving Facts
With Us
When you partner or donate your love seed to Faithful Handz Ministry you are taking part in the Word of God being ministered throughout the world, and Godly Principles, Godly Values, and a Godly Lifestyle being taught with the heart and Love of Jesus. As well as providing medical services to the needy, establishing rehabilitation housing for individuals ready to transform their life, and supporting missionaries who are taking the Word of faith to the world . We know we can not do this alone and we are for certain that as you help us by sowing your seed that you will not only reap the harvest on that seed sown , but together we will touch people’s hearts with Jesus and transform lives for God. We truly appreciate your giving and commit to pray for our partners!

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Our Causes
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Our Causes.

Goal - $1360.00
Rise - $2500.00

Goal - $120.00
Rise - $910.00

Goal - $100.00
Rise - $260.00
People prayed for
Families helped
Medical services given
Souls saved
We do it for all people
humanist project
How Can You Help?
Your donation will help us save and improve lives with research, education three and emergency care.